24 de mayo de 2023 de 16.00 a 17.30 h


The Tourism of Tomorrow Lab is a department of NECSTouR promoted by Andalucía Tourism Board at Andalucía Lab. The goal of the team involved in this initiative  is to improve travel industry sustainability using data analysis to influence tourism actions plans.

The upcoming webinar is part of this strategy.

Short-term rentals have gone from a new phenomenon to a vital part of the tourism economy over the past few years, gaining the trust of millions of travellers. However, they face headwinds from regulators and traditional lodging in many areas. For destinations, it is crucial to thoroughly understand how short-term rental supply and demand works to reach a balance that works for your region.

This webinar aims to shed light on this through the combined knowledge of the ToT Lab and AirDNA, the leading platform for short-term rental data and analytics. We will delve into the evolution and characteristics of short-term rental inventory, looking at occupancy rates, revenue, average stay duration, and a range of other trends through comparative analysis across regions.

This analysis will provide a roadmap to best practices and strategies for promoting social, economic, and environmental sustainability within the short-term rental market and the wider tourism industry.

By attending this webinar, you will not only have the opportunity to hear from experts in the field but also engage in a lively discussion with stakeholders and fellow participants. This is an ideal forum to share your ideas, ask questions, and contribute to shaping the future of the European tourism landscape.


16:00 – 16:05 – Welcome

Ms. Cristina Núñez – Managing Director of NECSTouR.

16:05 – 16: 25 – Short-term rentals: importance for European tourism, and main challenges.

Mr. José Luis Córdoba – Project Manager Tourism of Tomorrow Lab

16:25 – 16:45 – Short-term rentals: analysis, insights, and future trends.

Mr. Bram Gallagher Ph.D. – Sr. Economist AirDNA

16:45- 17:15 – Short-term rentals: initiatives, projects, and ideas to promote Sustainability.

Mr. Daniel Iglesias – Data Scientist Tourism of Tomorrow Lab

17:15- 17:30 – Closing remarks.

Ms. Cristina Núñez – Managing Director NECSTouR

Información del evento

24 de mayo de 2023 de 16.00 a 17.30 h
