Andalucía Lab

The tourism innovation services Andalucía has been waiting for

Are you part of the tourism and/or tech world?
This is the right place for you!

If you're a professional or a company in the tourism/tech world AND you can't wait to make Andalucía one of the best tourist destinations to the world, then we're here to help!

This is what you will find here:


Technology and Innovation events


Are you looking for a place to start your business in Marbella?


The most collaborative tourism-tech showroom you've ever seen


Modern meeting rooms, auditorium and training rooms


Meet an expert and have a 100% personalised consultation. What's the cost? Z-E-R-O.


In our marketplace, you'll find job vacancies for other businesses

If you're a professional or a company in the tourism/tech world AND you can't wait to make Andalucía one of the best tourist destinations in the world, then we're here to help!

This is what you will find here:


Technology and Innovation events


Are you looking for a place to start your business in Marbella?


The most collaborative tourism-tech showroom you've ever seen


Modern meeting rooms, auditorium and training rooms


Meet an expert and have a 100% personalised consultation. What's the cost? Z-E-R-O.


In our marketplace, you'll find job vacancies for other businesses

Upcoming events

Conferences on technology, innovation and tourism

Upcoming training

New training coming up at Andalucía Lab

Andalucía Lab blog

How could we possibly not have a blog?

Find the word of real experts from different areas who will provide valuable content for anyone who wants to have a look at their articles. These are our latest blog posts:

En el contexto actual del sector turístico, la digitalización y el uso de tecnologías emergentes, como la inteligencia artificial y el marketing en redes sociales, están revolucionando el sector, permitiendo que pequeñas empresas compitan en un mercado global. La adaptación a las tendencias del consumidor, como el turismo responsable y la búsqueda de experiencias auténticas, […]

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Andalucía Destinos es una iniciativa pionera de Turismo de Andalucía, diseñada para que las empresas turísticas andaluzas accedan a contenidos de valor que impulsen su competitividad y digitalización, donde podrán conocer casos de éxito, tendencias y reflexiones motivadoras, pero también herramientas concretas que podrán aplicar de forma inmediata. Diseñada en formato de entrevistas y conversaciones […]

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Por: Javier Henares – Analista digital especializado en turismo En el primer artículo de competitividad turística, hablamos tanto de los fundamentos de la competitividad turística, como de la competencia turística hoy en día como las claves más importantes enfocadas en los destinos turísticos. En esta segunda entrega hablaremos y desarrollaremos la competitividad turística con un  […]

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